Books I’ve Read so Far in July

Hey all,

It’s that time again! Half way through the month and it’s time to talk about the books that I’ve read so far.

The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen ⭐⭐⭐⭐


This book is told by many characters but focused on two. The first is Emily, a teenage girl whose mother has just passed away and she goes to live in her mothers hometown with her grandfather. The second is Julia, a women who has recently returned from her hometown after years of being away. The story focuses on the secrets that the town and the people in it keep. There are so many interesting relationships and connections in this book. I also love the food aspect of all of Allen’s books. Her stories are so moving and beautiful. I eat them up.

Starry Eyes by Jenn Bennett ⭐⭐⭐


This book follows a girl who ends up being forced in the wilderness with her ex. The best part of this book was definitely the bashing of Kerouac and how the character that liked Kerouac was as asshole. I also like the camping and hiking aspect. It made me want to go travel. But like most contemporaries, it wasn’t more than just entertainment for me. 

Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young ⭐⭐⭐ ½


This is a viking story that follows a girl who discovers that her brother (who she believed to be dead), is fighting with the enemy. I did really enjoy this book! It took me longer to read than I anticipated, which is why I couldn’t rate this any higher. I liked the characters, and I thought that the story was intriguing and unique. Additionally, for a debut novel, I thought it was written well.

The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen ⭐⭐⭐


I guess I was on a Sarah Addison Allen kick. I enjoyed this book but it felt lack luster to me. I’ve liked the other books by Allen much more. However, this was a magical read, and I really enjoyed the mystery and generational aspect of this book. The Peach Keeper follows a few characters in a town in North Carolina that is surrounded by waterfalls. This story focuses on the relationship between the characters and looks at the secrets and complexities of the people in the town.

God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater by Kurt Vonnegut ⭐⭐⭐⭐


After coming off a high of Mothernight (which completely rocked my world), God Bless you was bound to be compared. Although I really enjoyed this read, I was not engaged in it as much as some of Vonnegut’s other books. Maybe I’ll feel differently as time goes on, but I did not 100% love this one.  However, there is so much good in this book, and I plan on rereading it in the future. This story follows Eliot Rosewater, an alcoholic billionaire who is frustrated with humanity and is attempting to make a difference by doing a variety of volunteer work. This book was funny and had some great classic Vonnegut nuggets of wisdom.

I did not love love anything I read this first half of the month and I hope I can finish July off with some great reads!

Best reading,




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