Reading/Bookish Habits

Hey all!

Today I’m just going to be talking about some of the reading/bookish habits that I have. Hopefully this is somewhat interesting.

1] I prefer to read at night.

2] If I read in the morning, it either has to be a graphic novel or an audiobook. I don’t like having intense mornings.

3] I don’t like to read before I have to go do something. I think because I know I’ll have to stop, and I don’t like to feel forced to stop reading. This is kind of a weird one, so let me know if you’re with me on this.

4] I don’t buy a book unless I’ve read it and loved it OR I like the author and have a verrry good feeling that I’m gonna love the book. Most of the books I read, I get from the library, got as a gift, or have owned for a while. Because of this, I have a pretty small physical TBR.

5] I rarely reread books. It’s so rare that I have a short list of books that I have reread (linked here).

Let me know your bookish/reading habits!

Best reading,


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