Books I’ve Reread


Hey all,

Today I’m going to be talking about the books that I have reread! I don’t reread books very often so these select few must be considered worthy enough to be reread.

Siddhartha by Herman Hesse

I first read this book back in high school because one of the favorite artists at the time, Andrew McMahon, was always talking about it and has a tattoo with a quote from the book. Since then, I’ve probably read it  6 times since then. This story provided me with some much grounding during a difficult period of my life. I should reread this again, since it’s been 5 or so years since I’ve read it and see how I feel about it now. (My guess is that I will still love it). 

Harry Potter series by JK Rowling

When these books were still coming out and the movies were coming out, I would reread the books every time a new book or movie would come out. That obviously ended when the movies ended. However, I reread this series in 2017 before I went to Harry Potter world in Orlando. I just love being re-immersed in this world. 

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before & PS I Still Love You by Jenny Han

My main reason for rereading these two books were because of the movies. I wanted to be reminded of the differences between the movie and the book and then refresh my memory of what exactly went down in the second book. This series is too freaking sweet and it is just a pleasure to read. 

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

I’ve only reread this first book in the series, although I have read the whole series through. I was in a reading slump at the time, and I needed to read a book that felt like home. This series 100% does that for me, and if I didn’t have so many books I want to read, I would definitely be rereading the rest of this series now. It was one of the series that got my back into reading, and I am forever grateful for that. 

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas


I reread this book before ACOWAR came out. This series was just such an immersive reading experience for me. HOWEVER, I really did not like ACOWAR that much. It was a total disappointment for me. I may reread ACOMAF again but definitely not the rest of the series. 

Ishmael by Daniel Quinn


I first read this in the beginning of undergrad and reread it at the beginning of grad school. When I first read it, it was definitely an eye opening story. When I reread it, I saw so much more in the story, especially since I was a vegan when I reread it. 

What books have you reread?? Do you like rereading? 

Best Reading,




3 thoughts on “Books I’ve Reread

  1. Great post and Siddhartha by Herman Hesse sounds very interesting. I loved Hesse’s Steppenwolf, and will have to put Siddhartha on my immediate TBR list. Thanks!

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